Darian Rodriguez Heyman’s Top Ten Fundraising Tips


Darian Rodriguez Heyman, former Executive Director of the Craigslist Foundation and editor of the new book Nonprofit Management 101: A Complete and Practical Guide for Leaders and Professionals, offered his Top Ten Fundraising Tips last week to the Tides Learning Community.  Though he joked about recognizing many faces in the room and wondered aloud what these nonprofit leaders still hoped to learn about fundraising, Darian’s presentation offered ideas appropriate for emerging leaders and seasoned nonprofit professionals alike.

> Jump to the bottom for media from the event, including audio, video, and Darian’s slide presentation.

We won’t spoil the whole presentation, but here’s just one of Darian’s tips:

How to build loyal, happy donors: Map Donations to Impact

People don’t give to you because you have needs; they give to you because you meet needs. Donors and prospects don’t want to hear about the woes of the economy or your organizational struggles—no one wants to join a sinking ship. Instead, they want to know exactly where their donation will go, or has gone, and what impact your work is having on their community and the issues they care about. Use the power of personal stories to demonstrate how critical and important their support is to your work. Emphasize impact and stories in all your communications with donors, both in person and in your written materials. Make sure that you send timely thank you notes, reports on progress and success, and ongoing communications to build loyalty and trust with your donors. Start by sending a handwritten note to your best donor today!

For the rest of Darian’s Top Ten Fundraising Tips, check out our media from the event:

Audio Only:


(or download podcast via iTunes)


Slidecast with Audio:


You can also read Darian’s complete Top Ten Fundraising Tips on Compasspoint’s website.

Other Ways to Watch & Listen:

Social Media for Nonprofits logoDarian Rodriguez Heyman has also been busy organizing the Social Media for Nonprofits conference series with Ritu Sharma. The conferences feature insightful and dynamic speakers such as Beth Kanter, Guy Kawasaki, and Ami Dar, as well as leaders from companies and organizations including Facebook, the American Red Cross, and Network for Good.  Events have already taken place in San Francisco, New York City, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC – look for upcoming events in Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, and back again in San Francisco!  Learn more & Register >

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