Looking for Your Sol Mate?

Vote Solar Video Valentine

Solar energy is one of those no-brainer issues for us at Tides, and yet — even with the triple threats of climate change, job losses, and energy dependence — it just doesn’t get the legislative and political love it deserves.

We work with many groups that either primarily promote clean energy technology and policy, or that work on intersections of the environment and issues like social justice, human rights, and economic development.

For example, Honor the Earth, founded by Winona LaDuke in 1993, promotes the development of solar and wind energy on tribal lands.  A new Tides project, the Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative, makes the connection between climate change and human rights, as environmental degradation disproportionately impacts people of color, low-income families, and indigenous communities.  Chinadialogue.net is the world’s only fully bilingual environmental news website in English and Chinese, and fosters a unique, cross-cultural dialogue with China on climate change and environmental issues.  And Vote Solar, who has been with Tides since 2002, works tirelessly to bring solar energy into the mainstream.

Vote Solar has always been at the forefront of using simple online tools to help folks make their voices heard on solar energy and policy. Continuing that tradition, and to coincide with Valentine’s Day, today they released a video montage of personal ads rife with dating clichés… that happen to apply equally to solar.

It’s okay to look! And to send it along to your state leaders.

Happy Valentine’s, from Tides.

Andrea Skinner is Program Coordinator for Environment & Health at Tides.

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