How will you observe World Aids Day?

This Saturday, Tides will be at The National AIDS Memorial Grove, joining them in their 19th Annual World AIDS Day Observance. The National AIDS Memorial Grove, in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, is a dedicated space where millions of Americans touched directly or indirectly by AIDS can gather to heal, hope, and remember. The sacred ground of this living memorial honors all who have confronted the tragic pandemic, both those who have died and those who have shared their struggle, kept the vigils, and supported each other during their final hours.

Tides has been supporting those affected by AIDS since the very beginning – we helped to launch one of the earliest needle-exchange programs in the country, and to this day we rank constantly on the list of the top 25 foundations supporting efforts to combat AIDS. But we know that there is still more that we can do, and that needs to be done, and so this Saturday, we ask you: what can you do, today, in this moment, that will make a difference?

If you would like to join us at The National Aids Memorial Grove, find directions here.

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